Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Missions at Home

A book that I recently enjoyed reading was “Reaching and Teaching by David Sills.” Dr. Sills is Missiology professor at Southern Seminary. Dr. Sills defined an intercultural missionary in this way: “One whom God has called and sent as an ambassador of Christ with the message of reconciliation to make disciples, baptize, and teach to obey all that He has commanded, and who intentionally crosses cultural boundaries to do so.”1
Evangelism and discipleship to prison inmates, urban immigrants, people with different religious backgrounds, and people from sectarian cults are all different cultures than my own. Therefore, I think that evangelizing to these, all though within the boarders of America should be defined as missions.
This morning I read and essay by David Wheeler called “Hanging Out with a Purpose.” The purpose is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the essay he gave four practical principles for hanging out with the purpose of sharing the gospel:
1.   Be fully present as you walk through daily life.
2.   Be intentional about seeking witnessing relationships.
3.   Be available to seize Divine moments.
4.   Be prepared to respond to ministry opportunities.
5.   Be bold with the message of Christ.2
As an ambassador of Christ with the message of reconciliation to make disciples, baptize, and teach them to obey all that He commanded I must do so in the culture of my everyday life. I work as a Registered Nurse in Cardiac Rehab. I have coworkers who I work with 5 days a week and I have patients that go in and out of my life. I see them 3 days a week for 1-3 months. I am to be always present, intentionally seeking witnessing opportunities and be bold with the message of Christ when Divine moments come. I also go to restaurants, gas stations and stores in the community that I live in; I must be fully present at all times, intentionally seeking opportunities to preach the gospel and be bold with the message of Christ when Divine moments come. I occasionally go to running events in my community. At these events, hundreds, if not thousands are their; this Saturday, Lord willing, I will run in the Fresh 15K in Tyler, Texas. Before the run, I will preach the gospel, handout gospel tracts and talk with people when the opportunity arises. Could I plan to go into prisons, seek out immigrants and different religious people? Yes, but why not first seek to evangelize in our everyday life? If you are not currently fully present in daily life, available should Divine opportunity arise, and bold with the message of Christ when they do; then do not seek to cross cultural boundaries until you are intentional with the gospel at home. 

[1]Davis Sills, Reaching and Teaching(Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2010), 94.
[2]David Wheeler, “Hanging Out with a Purpose,” in Evangelism Is…How to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence, Dave Earley and David Wheeler (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2010), 208-209.