Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Week of January 12th, 2020 – January 18th, 2020


I arose at 5:15am and began the day by reading Deuteronomy, chapters 32 – 34; the song of Moses, the conclusion of his sermon to Israel, and his death and burial in Moab. The concluding statement of Deuteronomy: “Since that time no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, for all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, all his servants, and all his land, and for all the mighty power and for all the great terror which Moses performed in the sight of all Israel.”[1]I am reminded that Jesus said to the Jews, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he will never see death.”[2]The Jews accuse Jesus of having a demon for they understood that Abraham and all of the prophets died but Jesus claims that if anyone keeps his word he will never see death. The conversation leads up to Jesus saying, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”[3]Jesus is better than Abraham, better than Moses, better than all of the prophets and better than the angels; he is the Son of God and all are to worship Jesus.[4]After reading from Deuteronomy, I recited John, chapter 12; the triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey’s colt. At Sylvania Church Shane taught on Acts 17 and Phillip Dancy preached: “The Sabbath” from Luke 14:1 – 6. Main idea: the rest, the Sabbath is fulfilled in Jesus Christ for all who believe. Today, I completed Spanish – Beginner I – Course 2 – Lesson 5: Me gusta la comida mexicana. Part 1. 


Yesterday afternoon, Darlene and I watch the professional football game between Kansas City and Houston. We watched because it was a playoff game leading up to the super bowl and one of our local boy’s was in the game. Darlene teaches at Whitehouse High School and our children graduated from this school, so since one of the students was in the game we thought that we should watch. I enjoyed the game; however, I do not want to make a habit of watching television during the afternoon. This morning, I arose at 5:00am and began the day by reading Joshua, chapters 1 – 4; the main idea is to trust in the Lord and do not fear, for the Lord goes ahead of you. We should not apply this to ourselves because we are not Israel entering the promised land; however, we should trust the Lord and not fear regarding his promises to us as a covenant people in Christ Jesus our Lord. After this I recited John, chapter 13. 


We are now two weeks into the new year and beginning a third. Yesterday, I worked in cardiac rehab from 7:30am – 4:45pm. I watched a short movie on the computer, called: “Crazy Bible,” by Ray Comfort. In this video Ray states that the key to understanding the Bible is the power of the gospel. I have stepped away from the way of the master which is where I began evangelism; in fact, I have stepped away from purposely evangelizing. I am a reluctant evangelist because I do not like confrontation; however, it is the Lord’s command to go make disciples, to baptize them and teach them. This morning, I arose at 5:00am and read Joshua 5 – 7 and recited John 14 – 15. I had to re-read Joshua 5 and 6 because I was distracted the first time through; therefore, I did not at first understand what was going in chapter 7 regarding the band. The people were to destroy everything in the city, the metals could not be destroyed but they were not to keep them for themselves, they were to go into the Lord’s treasury. One man did keep them for himself and all of Israel suffered as a result. This man and his family were stoned for disobedience regarding the Lord’s command. Several times in John 14 – 15, Jesus says that if a person loves him, they will keep his commands/word. I have the day off from work today. I have been nursing an injured right foot. I do not want my fitness to degrade but know that I need to not run and allow the injury to heal; therefore, I am going to go to the gym and try a machine that does not involve pounding of the feet. 


This morning I arose at 5:00am and read Joshua 8 – 10 and recited John 16 – 17. Yesterday, I exercised on an elliptical trainer for 32 minutes at a moderate effort. This did not cause any pain to my foot injury; therefore, I shall use the elliptical trainer or perhaps a stationary bike for 30 – 60 minutes 5 days this week rather than running. I hope by the end of the week that the heel pain is gone, and I can resume running because running outdoors is what I truly enjoy. It is important that I allow this injury to heel but I can maintain fitness by using these aerobic exercise machines. Yesterday, I said that I am a reluctant evangelist; however, I confess that for the past 2 years I have allowed personal evangelism efforts to go by the wayside. I blamed this on the time restraints of a full-time job and pursuing a master’s degree, but I graduated in May of 2019. Several years ago, a television show (The way of the master) and a book (Hell’s best kept secret by Ray Comfort) inspired me to share the gospel with my neighbor. Yesterday, I read an article by Steven J. Cole written in 2010. The article was on Romans 3:19-20, why God gave the law. Then I picked up Ray Comforts book, (Hell’s best kept secret) from my book shelf and began reading it. May the Lord use this book as he did in the past. May I preach the law to convict the unconverted sinner and preach the gospel to the convicted sinner. May the Christian understand that I consider all sinners, but the converted are justified by the grace of God through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.[5]


Yesterday, I worked in cardiac rehab from 7:30am – 4:45pm. I believe in taking what God has given and making the most of it; this is what cardiac rehab is about. Don’t just sit on the couch but live abundantly. For some reason Americans believe that the abundant life involves consumption but living abundantly is to live as best as possible with the body and mind that the Lord has given. Sometimes I see people recover to a high level after a major heart surgery and yesterday was such a day. There was a woman who at the beginning of her rehab desired death rather than to continue with her broken body. Yesterday, this woman graduated from cardiac rehab full of life. She had taken what God had given her and made the most of it. This morning, I arose at 4:45am and read Joshua, chapters 11 – 14. Then I recited John, chapter 19. I arose 15 minutes earlier than the day before because yesterday I felt rushed for time. Daily, I want to read a portion of God’s word, recite a chapter from John’s account of our Lord, pray to the Father God, and spend time writing in this journal. I really need an hour to do that and it takes about 15 minutes from rising to sitting down in my study, and I need to depart from my study at 6:00am. Yesterday evening, I went to the gym on my way home from work and rode a stationary bike at a moderate effort for 32 minutes. My foot was some what sore during the day, perhaps because I had to do much walking on the job. I am still hoping to begin running again next week; regardless, I will do something for 30 – 60 minutes a day, for at least 5 days a week, to maintain my cardiovascular fitness. 


Yesterday I worked in cardiac rehab from 7:30am to 6:30pm. Then after work I rode on an elliptical trainer for 30 minutes at a moderate effort. I have been trying to learn Spanish, yet I have a difficult time trying to communicate to Spanish speakers in their language. I will continue to do these lessons daily with the hopes that one day I will grow in understanding and have the ability to communicate my thoughts in Spanish. Yesterday evening, one of my patients spoke Spanish and not English. She was dropped off by her granddaughter whose mother (the mother of the granddaughter) would arrive later. Amanda (a coworker) knew that I am trying to learn Spanish; therefore, I was left with the responsibility of communicating. This woman and I got by, but we could not have a full conversation. To exalt Jesus Christ and show this woman that I am attempting to learn her language, I recited John 1:1-5 to her in Spanish; I think that she appreciated this. This morning, I arose at 4:45am. I began the day by reading Joshua 15 – 18 and reciting John 19. The land of Canaan was parceled among Israel with a great deal of time spent on the decedents of Judah and of Joseph. This is a precursor to the divided kingdom to come. I worked in cardiac and pulmonary rehab from 7:30am – 12:30pm. I did 1 orientation assessment; then, I participated in a celebration of our department. Our department became certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Yesterday evening, Darlene, Bethany and I went out to dinner at Chuey’s restaurant. Darlene is a teacher at Whitehouse high school, the school that both of our children graduated from. Darlene spoke about the high school and the community of Whitehouse, TX, being a buzz today with what they were calling red out for Patrick Mahomes. All of the teachers and students in Whitehouse I.S.D. we’re wearing red in honor of their favorite son and quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs because the Chiefs are playing the AFC championship on Sunday for the right to go to the super bowl. Patrick Mahomes graduated from Whitehouse high school less than 6 years ago.


I arose at 5:00am and read Joshua 19 – 24; then, I recited John 20 – 21. One of the favorite texts among modern Christians comes from my reading today; “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”[6]Why is this text a favorite? Christians put these words at the entrance of their homes, above their fire places, and at other prominent places. Joshua 23:1 – 24:28 is the final speech given to Israel by their leader Joshua; after which, he died and was buried. Perhaps, instead of isolating this text we should understand it’s meaning in the context that it was originally given in order that we might understand the universal principle taught in the text and apply that principle in our lives. The context of Joshua’s speech is covenant remembrance. We have a covenant remembrance ceremony in Christianity, commanded by the perfect Joshua, the Lord Jesus Christ on the night before his crucifixion and death; the ceremony is called the Lord’s supper.[7]“This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me…This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”[8]After giving his speech about covenant remembrance to Israel, Joshua died, and was buried in the hill country of Ephraim;[9]but Jesus Christ our Lord died for our sins, and was buried, and was raised on the third day.[10]Therefore, I think we should apply the principle of covenant remembrance taught in Joshua 23:1 – 24:28 by remembering what Christ did for us. After reading, I went to the gym and road on a stationary bike for 30 minutes, followed by an elliptical machine for 31 minutes. I hope to begin running again next week because I would much rather be out on the road running. I am taking Spanish lessons through a program called Babbel. Today, I completed Beginner I – Course 2 – lesson 6. I do not consider a lesson complete until I achieve 100% correct answers. I spent some time in the afternoon reading Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort. The method which he calls, “The way of the Master” uses a four-step process. First, relate to the person in the natural. Second, create an opportunity to swing to the spiritual. Third, convict using the law.  Fourth, reveal Jesus Christ and what he has done. In the evening Darlene and I went to celebrate my nephew Ryan’s 13thbirthday.

[1]Deuteronomy 34:10-12, NASB.
[2]John 8:51, NASB.
[3]Ibid, 8:58.
[4]cf. Hebrews 1.
[5]Romans 3:23-24.
[6]Joshua 24:15b, NASB.
[7]cf. Luke 22:14-23.
[8]1 Corinthians 11:24-25.
[9]Joshua 24:29-30.
[10]1 Corinthians 15:3-4.