The message that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life does not fit with the Bible. I just completed reading Judges 19 – 21: the story of a certain Levite, his concubine (wife), the city of Gibeah, the tribe of Benjamin and Israel. It is a story of rape, the grotesque hacking of a dead human body and parts sent throughout Israel; the destruction of an entire tribe less 600; the destruction of a city who refused to take part in the act; and the taking of their young daughters as wives for 400 of these men; and the kidnapping of another 200 girls from another city. The world that we live in can be a very horrible place and many horrors have occurred since the fall of man. I recently looked at a method of evangelizing that is promoted by the Southern Baptist Conventions North American missions board: The 3 circles life conversion guide. The method uses 3 circles that the evangelist draws on a piece of paper for the person that they are talking too. First, the person must be in a place of “Worldly” brokenness. The 3 circles are God’s design, brokenness, and gospel. Then the evangelist draws an arrow away from God’s design to brokenness and writes the word “Sin” above the arrow, explaining that sin is the cause of brokenness. Then the evangelist says that people try many things to get out of brokenness. Then the evangelist presents the gospel in easily understandable terms. Then the evangelist draws an arrow from sin to Gospel and writes the words “Repent & Believe.” Then the evangelist draws an arrow from Gospel back to God’s design and writes the words “Recover & Pursue. I would say that the method has two big problems. First, the method is implying that if you repent and believe you can have the wonderful life that God originally designed here and now. This is not true in the here and now but only in the world to come. We remain in a broken and fallen world and following Christ does not change that: bad things happen, we are tempted every day and believers are persecuted all around the world. I believe that the church needs to repent from giving people false hope. The apostle paul wrote: “If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.”
Isn’t this what the church is doing by either out right telling people that God has a wonderful plan for their life or implying such. Second, this method is designed for someone in brokenness but what about the rich man? The biblical message is this: It is appointed for a person to die once and after this comes judgement;
you will give an account of your life before almighty God on the day of judgment.
God’s standard is moral perfection,
but you have violated his law.
Jesus Christ paid the price for our sin and what you must do is repent and believe. God can justly forgive your sin and grant you eternal life; however, if you refuse the free gift of God you will go away into eternal punishment for your crimes committed against almighty God. The gospel message is an offer of pardon for a guilty criminal before eternally being thrown into prison.
The offer is eternal life in the new heaven and new earth with the very Son of God, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins and was buried and rose again on the third day.