Who Can Question God?
Dear Brethren,
Who can question God? Can anyone judge the Almighty? Men judge the Almighty as if they have all knowledge. There are many things that I do not understand and much that I do not know. My wisdom is limited by my knowledge, understanding and experience. The Almighty is from eternity and I am fainéant. I have have little effect on the people of the world and I am known by only a few, but the Almighty is known by his creation. There is no unrighteousness found in him. All of his ways are good. I may not understand his ways because I do not have all knowledge. Should I question the righteousness of the Almighty because I do not understand. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The beginning of wisdom is understanding. I do not have all knowledge; therefore, I cannot comprehend the Almighty. Like a child who trust his father and mother, I must trust the Lord God who created heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them. There is much that I do not understand and even more that I do not know, but I trust in the righteousness and goodness of the Almighty even though I do not understand what is happening in the present.
In Christ alone,
Michael Peek
The Nurse Theologian