Saturday, November 6, 2021

Created for the glory of God

What is your desire? What causes you to get out of bed in the morning and go forth? Is it pleasure that you seek, or riches that you desire, or maybe it is fame? It is my desire for all to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ. I call this blog, The Nurse Theologian, because I am a nurse who thinks and writes about God. I do not write about nursing, though I may mention my profession on occasion, but it is God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ whom I write about, and whom I desire for you to know. 

Several years ago, when seeking how I might tell others about God and his Christ, I came across a teaching, The Way of the Master. This teaching, uses the Law to bring the knowledge of sin before presenting Jesus Christ. Using the Law to bring the knowledge of sin is biblical. Most people know that it is wrong to lie, to commit adultery, to murder, but they do not consider the reason these things are wrong. We live in a godless society, resulting from modernistic ideals. Modernism taught our society to only believe that which can be perceived by our senses and can be proven through science. Most do not even know that theology is a science, in fact, it is the greatest of all sciences, for theology is the study of God. 

Can God be proven? There are two revelations given to us that prove God. There is the natural revelation, creation, and there is the special revelation, the Bible. I believe that the Bible is greater than the natural because the Bible uses the Law to bring the knowledge of sin, that he or she who reads the Scriptures might repent and believe in the gospel. The Law does not work on our senses but on our conscience. This word conscience is a combination word in which two words put together gives an entirely different perspective than when used apart. Con means with and Science means knowledge; therefore, Conscience means with knowledge. It is with-knowledge that we sin against God. 

So why is it wrong to lie? It is wrong because we were created in the image of God and we know that God is truth. Why is it wrong to be unfaithful in our relationships? It is wrong because we were created in the image of God and we know that God is faithful. Why is it wrong to hate someone? It is wrong because we were created in the image of God and we know that God is love. We do not need our senses to tell us that these are wrong because we have the knowledge from birth that these are wrong, nonetheless, we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But God being, not like us, is rich in mercy, loved us, and gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him, should not perish, but have eternal life.