Friday, December 16, 2022

What Is Man

Are we anything or are we nothing at all? Day to day we walk the earth but for what purpose? We are born, we grow, we live and we die. Generation after generation, very few live in historical memory, but most are forgotten. If not to be remembered, for what purpose do we walk the earth and for this specific time? 

The scripture says that God created man, male and female in his own image, yet all have sinned and fall short of his glory. 

It is the Christmas season but this season has different meaning, to do different individuals. Are we all the creators of our own meaning or is this part of our falling short of God’s glory? If we all fall short, then the meaning that we think is true is faulty in someway. I suppose that some are closer to the truth than others, just as some are more wicked, but we are all wicked, so we all must fall short of the true meaning of Christmas.

I believe that I have lost the meaning of Christmas, or did I lose what was faulty to begin with. I had always associated Christmas with children, excitement, wonderment with opening of presents. Is this the true meaning of Christmas? If it is, I have lost it, but if not, can I find the true meaning? 

Our church follows the liturgical ceremony of  lighting advent candles. The meaning of advent comes from the latin “adventus,” the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ and also of preparing for his second coming. On the four Sundays, leading up to Christmas, a candle is lit, and a passage of scripture read. The first candle represents hope, it is the prophecy candle. The second candle represents peace, it is the Bethlehem candle. The third candle represents joy, it is the shepherd’s candle. The fourth candle represents love, it is the angel’s candle. On Christmas Eve, a service is dedicated to reading passages of scripture and the singing hymns, at which the Christ candle is lit.

This is all that I have remaining of what I once understood as Christmas. No children, nor grandchildren, excitement, and wonderment associated with the opening of presents. All is lost, but have I lost the meaning of Christmas, or is the meaning of Christmas greater than my meaning?